
Top Ten Series I've Been Meaning To Start But Haven't


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Be prepared to feel my immense shame, as this week I'm listing the ten series I haven't started yet. No, don't, don't look at me. I can't take the pressure!  Well, I guess we better get this started. Then I can get along and shrink this list down. Motivation!

The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis

The Chronicles of Narnia is one of the most well known series yet I haven't read it. I have a pretty copy! I read the first book, The Magician's Nephew, years and years ago so I have actually started it, but it's so long ago now that I hardly remember it! I'd have to start all over again. And I will, soon. Perhaps in winter?

The Wicked Years by Gregory Maguire

Again, I read Wicked so long ago that I'd have to read it again to even think about following on in the world of Oz.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan

I remember when the the film adaptation of the first book came out and I thought to myself, Percy Jackson looks cool, cute too, I'll read it next! Yeah..that never happened.

Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness

I heard of the Chaos Walking trilogy from booktube. Lots of people raved on about it. I've heard its quite obscure and difficult to get into, yet worth the journey. It's on my shelf, just waiting to be read.

The Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine

I've had the first 6 books in The Morganville Vampires series sitting on my shelf for years now! Hopefully if I start it soon it'll help with my Buffy withdrawal symptoms.

Since writing this post I have actually read the first book, Glass Houses! I'm enjoying it so far! Thinking about it made me want to read it, so why not?

The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

I know what you're thinking. How?! How could I have not even started The Mortal Instruments series?! Every person and their dog has read these books. I need to hop onto the hype train and get excited myself! I've heard people suffer from immense book hangovers with these books. I'm ready to feel the passion! ...Eventually.

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

Sarah J. Maas amazed me in the first book in The Throne of Glass series, I'm behind on that enough. Blogging and bookstagram has opened my eyes to this series however. People are making bookmarks and buying pop figures surrounding this series. Plus, it's a Beauty and the Beast retelling! It may not have been on my TBR at first, but now it will be.

House of Night by P.C Cast & Kristin Cast

Once upon a time, in a library far far away... Okay it was in my village, in a library in my village there was a book series that I started and never finished. Who's heard that story before? House of Night took the book community by storm many years ago. I only read the first book but I remember really enjoying it, I'd love to see if it did actually live up to the hype.

Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

Last year booktubers were raving about this book. While I was reading A Song of Ice and Fire, I ended up in an epic fantasy mood, my brother being a surprisingly quick reader and pro of fantasy books lent me this one. He actually lent me it this time, last time when I read The Name of the Wind I just nicked it from his shelf... But this trilogy is on my borrowed pile, just waiting till the day they get read.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Just the premise of this book series sounds amazing! A girl being brought back in time? Fantastic! It's not number one on my list, if I start reading it soon I might be able to watch the TV series though. So much excitement!

So there we have it. All of the book series on my to read list. Let's be honest, I'll probably end up starting a series that isn't on this list. Oh the dilemmas! Now its your turn, I'd love to know what series you're planning to start. Let me know in the comics!


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  1. Omg yay I'm not the only one who hasn't read the Mortal Instruments!! I desperately need to read that series sometime because it seems like EVERYONE has read it and has an opinion. Maybe this will be the year! I highly recommend the Mistborn trilogy - such an amazing fantasy series! I really liked Wicked, only read the first, but much prefer the musical (it's one of my FAVE musicals!). Outlander was really good but the books began to drag for me later in the series.. but I have friends that just love the series!

    1. There's someone else like me?! Yay! I'm exactly the same, and people either love it or hate it! Fingers crossed, we could have a little chat about it once we've read it. Mistborn has been highly recommended to me by so many people! I will get to it eventually, I need to read another longish book this year too.. hmmm. I've only read the first book of Wicked too! It's so different to the musical isn't it, I was gobsmacked! Outlander is quite a long series isn't it, I'll probably finish some of the book series I've started before delving into that one. :)

  2. I read all (most?) of the Narnia books when I was younger, it might be time for a re- read (although I'd probably only re- read some of them). I remember definitely liking some more than others. And I've never read a Percy Jackson book!

    Also I need to try Sanderson, I've heard SO many good things!

    1. Narnia was one of those book series that I never read for some reason. It's lived on my brother's shelves for years, and I watched the animated film all the time, yet I never got round it it! I'm glad I'm not the only one that hasn't read a Percy Jackson book. There's quite a lot of them now.

      SO many good things! If you do give his books a go then let me know! :D

  3. Some really great series you haven't yet read! I've actually only read the first book of two of these series - Morganville Vampires and A Court of Thorns and Roses. Hope you enjoy Glass Houses! I remember having a good time reading it, but vampire stories are just NOT my thing so I didn't pursue the rest of the series.

    Cass @ Words on Paper

    1. It's shameful I know. Someone else that knows Morganville Vampires, that's great! I read Glass Houses a week or so ago, writing this post made me want to read it, it was good! Although I'm not sure if I'll stick with it seeming as its about 12 books long.. Vampire stories make me feel really nostalgic because most of them came out when I was a teenager. Do you remember when Twilight came out and suddenly there were tonnes of books like that on the shelves?

      Did you enjoy A Court of Thorns and Roses? :)

  4. Great list! Percy Jackson and Outlander made my list this week, too, and I do need to try some Sanderson for myself to see what all the fuss is about - so many people love the Mistborn series, but I'm still not 100% sure it's for me. There's only one way to find out!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one then! Everyone seems to have read those books. Let me know when you get round to reading them. People rave about the Mistborn series! You can always give it a go, you never know! :D

  5. Ooh, The Chronicles of Narnia is a good choice. I agree with Greg where he said that some of the books in that series are better than others, but it's still fun to see how the whole story unfolds. The Magician's Nephew was particularly good even though it's not as well-known as the first couple of books in that series.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Is it a good choice, or a bad one because I haven't read it yet? :P It's the first I've heard of some books being better than others. Although there's so many, there has to be! The fact that people debate what order the books are meant to be read in fascinates me too. A good few years ago I did actually read The Magician's Nephew and enjoy it, time makes you forget what happened though!

  6. Unfortunately, I didn't really enjoy The Knife of Never Letting Go- but I think you'll love the Percy Jackson series!

    1. To be honest, I think that is why I've avoided The Knife of Never Letting Go, although I've heard good things about it, I've also heard that it's quite difficult to get into. Curiosity wins me over though! I will get to the Percy Jackson series soon and let you know what I think! :D

  7. I am the same way. I can't make a blog post about what I'll read each month because I never stick to it. I bounce around books and choose ones I never had on my TBR. It's all about reading though and loving what we read! I am currently trying to read The Chronicles of Narnia this month and am really hoping I can do it. I am trying to finish in a month...ha! Happy reading!

    1. Finally! I've found someone like me! As soon as I make a TBR I go off whatever books I had on it. I've been considering making a massive TBR so that I have loads of choice, but that might cause some pressure.. I agree with you though, it's about the quality, reading a book from cover to cover and knowing that you paid all your attention to it. Ooh! Good luck! Let me know how you get on. :D

    2. I wish I was better about my TBR and sticking with books to read. I checked out about 11 books from the library instead of finishing the Narnia series like I had previously challenged myself to do this month. Seriously, what is wrong with me!? Haha. Good luck to all of your reading! Enjoy!

  8. Narnia deserves its status as a classic. I'd advise against listening to Outlander on your daily commute. There's an Orkin guy who nearly died when I got to one totally unexpected scene! LOL Enjoy your reading!!

    1. I know right! So many wonderful things are said about it. Narnia's often compared to His Dark Materials as well, because they both have different religious connotations, seeming as I read His Dark Materials a few years ago it's about time I got to Narnia! Oh blimey! That sounds dramatic! I've not listened to an audio book since primary school, seeming as I have a 40 minute bus journey everyday it is something I could start doing.. Hmmm..

  9. We both have The Mortal Instruments, Chaos Walking, Outlander and the Kingkiller Chronicles on our list this week! I really hope we both get to it soon. I'm on the second book in the Mistborn series, and they are really great! A Court of Thorns and Roses is one of my favourite series of all time, so I hope you read it soon, and that you enjoy it as much as I do!The Lightning Thief and Narnia are both great series as well, that you'll probably just fly through. I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to Wicked, I read the first one years ago, and now will have to reread to continue on with the series.

    My TTT!

    1. We have so many bookish blunders in common! I actually read the Kingkiller Chronicles last year, you'll love it! The first book is one of my all time favourites! Everyone has read The Mortal Instruments, especially on here. We could always pair up and read one of these series together? :) The Mistborn series is meant to be really great, I'm glad you're enjoying it! Oooh! If you love A Court of Thorns and Roses that much then I'll have to start reading it. No time to waste! This all sounds so promising. Books that I fly through are always the ones that I recommend to other people, when you're not paying attention to how far you are in the reading process, just loving each moment! Wicked is one of those books that you expect to be a stand-a-lone and then find out that actually it's not. Awkward! >.<

  10. Chaos Walking is an all time favorite series! I hope you love it!

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. That's really good to hear! Maybe I'll get to it soon then. ^.^

  11. The Percy Jackson books are awesome! I liked ACOTAR, but the second book is much better than the first. I have yet to read the third.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/20/top-ten-tuesday-112/

    1. I've heard so many great things about both of these books! I will get onto them soon and let you know what I think. Thanks for stopping by. 😊

