
A Day Out in Broadstairs/Margate - The Bus Cafe


We're at our final stop on my family trip, Margate! I used to go here to visit my great-grandmother at her care home every summer. She was nuts, a hilariously sarcastic woman! It's always strange coming back to somewhere after a long time as you see it from a different perspective. One new addition to Margate's beach is The Bus Cafe! It's pretty much what it sounds like, a bus that's been turned into a cute little cafe! If you want quirky, then that's definitely it!

We didn't actually eat anything as we didn't want to stay too long. Me and my brother had some orange juice while my mum had a cup of tea. It was very nice, although the service was very slow and it was a little tight for space. That's not really surprising considering we were on the top deck of a bus though! The kitchen was on the bottom part, pretty cool right?! I'd love to go to Margate another time and stay in there for longer. There's now Dreamland to visit and lots of rides to go on. When I was younger we used to walk past the boarded up theme park, and I'd wonder what it had been like.

Once we finished up in the bus cafe we got back onto the train and made our way home. Overall it was a good day out! I managed to get some reading done in the commute times too. We were lucky that it was a lovely day, not too hot, not too cold! Have you been on any good days out recently? Perhaps there are some quirky places you like to visit too? Let me know!

Hopefully I'll explore more of Broadstairs and Margate sometime in the future. I'd love to write a more in-depth blogpost about Margate. So stick around for that!

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